Croquis Designs


Dental Care

Verve is a paediatric dental clinic focused on creating positive and fun dental experiences for children. Their aim is to reduce the anxiety and fear that often surrounds dental visits for kids. Verve’s tagline “Happy Smiles Here” encapsulates their commitment to pairing dental health with happiness. 


Verve needed a visual identity and branding that could transform perceptions of paediatric dentistry from scary and clinical to fun and friendly. Our goal was to design an imaginative brand identity that sparked joy and positivity when parents and kids saw it, rather than anxiety. 


“Verve – connotations of enthusiasm, liveliness, and vigour.”

Verve’s typographic logo dynamically curves into a smile, encapsulating the joy and energy in their brand identity. The lively bottle green backdrop evokes a fun, youthful spirit. Surrounding the logo are whimsical sensory animations inspired by the tingling sensations of joy – the goosebumps of laughter, the zing of a toothy grin, the rush of a thrill.

Our goal is for the Verve identity to spark joy, inspire trust, and help children emotionally connect with dentistry as an adventure instead of an ordeal. The designed brand language aims to psychologically communicate warmth, friendship and joy. The vibrant and soothing colour palette invigorates playfulness targeted to build emotional connections between dentistry and feeling carefree versus scared.

An impactful component of Verve’s brand experience is the visual campaign created to reinforce positive emotions. Posters are strategically designed to communicate the idea that teeth are always in a pair by featuring images of joyful siblings and mother-daughter pairs. The mother-daughter poster, emphasising trust, portrayed a shared confidence in the clinic’s care. This psychologically informed creative campaign aims to transform perceptions of paediatric dental visits from anxiety-inducing to something happy and rewarding.

Achievement/impact: Through playful visual identity and an impactful campaign, Verve successfully associated positive emotions and fostered willingness among children for dental appointments. The visual storytelling forged positive associations with dental health and cultivated lifelong positive oral health attitudes amongst kids.

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